Throughout the history of the manufacture of typewriters there have been many companies who produced them, some lasted longer than others, here is our pick of 5 of them.
1. Olympia
One of the largest typewriter factories in Germany, Olympia produced some of the highest quality typewriters built, often considered the 'Mercedes-Benz' of the typewriter world, their constant aim for quality and improvement lead to what many consider to be the 'perfect' touch typewriter.
Notable models from Olympia include the SG1 & SG3 Standard Office Typewriters, SM series portables and ultra-compact SF/Traveller range.
These are robust machines capable of lasting a lifetime with care.
2. Adler
Another German company, Adler produced Standard & Portable Typewriters of notable quality and precision, their machines have a somewhat firmer touch than their rivals, but feel incredibly crisp and precise to use. These machines were designed to be sturdy, reliable and easy to service. Adler used quality components and their machines were very popular in offices where typewriters were in daily use.
3. Imperial
'British Right Through' as it says on some models, Imperial is perhaps one of the most famous typewriter companies here in the UK and held the coveted 'By Royal Appointment' meaning their typewriters were used by The Royal Household. Popular models include The Good Companion Series which had minimal changes between 1932 and the Model 6 in 1961 and the Series 50 Standard Office Typewriters, which featured a rather ingenious 'drawer' type mechanism allowing the internal mechanism of the typewriter to be easily removed for cleaning and servicing.
4. Blue Bird/Torpedo
Another German make, quality build with a distinctive touch, Blue bird was the name used on Torpedo machines for export markets. The most sought after being the Blue Bird/Torpedo 18b, this model did not have a touch control lever as the balance was set to what Torpedo considered the 'ideal' touch. Although not quite as numerous as other typewriter makes, they are noteworthy machines when in good working order.
5. Remington
An American company with a long history, their machines were produced in different factories, including here in the UK and Holland, Remington made sturdy typewriters of notable design (later models somewhat utilitarian in appearance) and were extremely popular, you will find numerous examples of these machines from the 1950s onwards, including the Standard Office Typewriter/SJ and Quiet-Riter/Travel-Riter. The Remington name is ubiquitous with typewriters and was an important and successful brand in the history of typewriter manufacture.
A notable innovation on later Standard Typewriters was the fold out mechanism which enabled easy access for repair and servicing.